Why Do Teachers Need to Master ICT in This 21st Century?

There are many reasons why teachers need to master ICT in this 21st century. So, here are :

The next generation is the more clever than before
     - In the 21st Century, teachers are trying to teach higher level skills, critical thinking, synthesis, analysis, and the teachers are trying to raise a generation that are clever than before. So, to cover it all, can be done so easily by the help from ICT as well.

     - In this 21st Century almost everythings are handled by the technologies, so do with the learning process. Every teacher should be proficient in the use of productivity tools. Teachers have to process many different types of data. Productivity tools (word processor, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software) are available on all computers and are obvious tools to use for most teaching and learning tasks.

     - For teachers today, one great way to the learning process is to use social media, how to produce and publish valuable content, and how to create sharable resources. This is can be done by doing go blogging.

     - They should be able to troubleshout technology-related problems that commonly crop up in the classroom. They also should be familiar with what's available on the web in his or her subject area, and so on.

These reasons showed a very close connection between teaching learning and ICT. So that's why in the same way teachers have to learn the technologies more than the students do.

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